The mission of the North Texas, Oklahoma & Kansas USMMA Parent’s Club is to provide support to our midshipmen, the parents, guardians and families of the North Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas midshipmen at the United States Merchant Marine Academy and our Academy liaison officers.

We support our midshipmen in a variety of ways:

We host a Welcome Aboard Party for all area incoming “plebe candidates” and their families before they depart for their “Indoctrination” period at Kings Point.  This event is a great way for the incoming class to meet each other as well as speak with current midshipmen at the Academy.  In addition, “new” parents can gain valuable insight and advice from our member parents who are very willing to share their stories and help with questions to ease the transition to life at the Academy.  At this event we also honor our recent graduates.

We participate in the organization, planning and operation of the North Texas Coalition of Uniform Service Academies (NTCUSA) Lone Star Military Ball, held every December, to honor all cadets and midshipmen from all five of the U.S. Service Academies in North Texas.  This is a spectacular event that pays tribute to our graduating seniors, and gives the cadets and midshipmen a chance to enjoy a fun evening after finishing their first semester exams at their Academy and coming home over Christmas break.

We sponsor a North Texas Cookie Cafe at Kings Point once during the academic year, where we join together to send dozens and dozens (and dozens) of cookies to all midshipmen at the USMMA, baked by North Texas Parents.

We send goodie bags full of (mostly) healthy snacks and goodies for our midshipmen to enjoy during their exam time.

We hold membership meetings four times a year to keep updated on campus happenings, assist with area recruitment, share highlights of our midshipmen’s sea year adventures, promote camaraderie, and have a general information exchange.

We raise funds for our club by selling various items throughout the year.

To see all the benefits of membership, see out membership page. https://ntxusmmapc.org/membership/